Saturday, November 6, 2010

Salvation of a Nation

Different life stories I have heard and others that I have read, and for a second there it got me thinking of the kind of stories that I will leave behind. What was my life like in the eyes of other people?
This thought haunted me the whole day; unfortunately I already had the answer to that and it was crystal clear; it doesn’t take a genius to see that I was always walking on the tips of my toes ,beneath me was broken glass, around me burnt down walls, flames had eaten everything up and left nothing but dark ashes.
I still don’t understand why. I wish I could find answers to such a question.
Why do you keep insisting that he is your salvation? Why does such a little thought come between such a great friendship and the end of one?
It really bugs me that you have chosen that way, instead of walking with me on the same one;yet realizing that there is still a fork between both roads. I respect the path that leads you to your salvation and you respect mine, but without the need to even part.
I still don’t get why you acted this way, are you THAT scared of change? That terrified of being different?
And for me, I said it once and I’ll say it a thousand times again:”t doesn’t matter what your beliefs are as long as you have ones.”

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